Supply chain

Our ambition is to contribute to bring a strong local supply chain into our projects, contributing positively to local jobs and competencies. We are therefore engaging actively with local suppliers.

Bringing suppliers into the Norwegian - and global - offshore wind market

The opportunity for Norwegian suppliers to the offshore wind market is huge. Norway’s potential for commercial offshore wind capacity could exceed 50 GW by 2050, and potentially create 55,000 new offshore wind jobs.

In addition to the direct opportunities in the Norwegian domestic market, supplying offshore wind projects in Norway can provide a foundation for also becoming suppliers to international projects. The global offshore wind market is predicted to reach around 400 GW by 2030, and 2000 GW by 2050.

Our engagement with local suppliers

We engage with local and regional stakeholders on how we collectively can maximise positive local ripple effects from our offshore wind projects, while prioritising environmental sustainability and harmonious co-existence with other users of the sea.

Supplier interest form

Supplier collaboration questionnaire

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